Agriculture and food


Agriculture and Food

The Agricultural and Food industry is one of the most important in the world, which is why every day people seek greater guarantees about safety and quality in the fields, primary production, processing and marketing of agricultural products and by-products, which is why at CETOX We have laboratories accredited with ISO 17025, equipped with modern and cutting-edge machinery, as well as alternately trained personnel, which allows us to provide our clients with precision of results, quality assurance throughout the value chain, compliance with national and international legislation and regulations and risk management.

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Primary foods

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you acomplete account of the system.

Accessible analytics

  • pesticide analysis (MRL)
  • drug analysis (MRL)

Food, beverages, containers and packaging

Mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give and expound the actual teachings.

Accessible analytics

  • microbiologic analysis
  • physicochemical analysis
  • bromatological analysis
  • nutritional analysis
  • monomer analysis
  • metal analysis (migration)

Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides

Mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give and expound the actual teachings.

Accessible analytics

  • Analysis of acute toxicities in mammals
  • Eco-toxicological analysis in various species (birds, fish, daphnia, worms, bees, crustaceans, etc.)
  • Quantification of active ingredients (chemical composition)
  • Physicochemical and chemical analysis
  • Analysis of effectiveness against various pests
  • Dioxinas, Furanos Y PCBS
Av. Angamos Este 2670,
Surquillo 15038
+ 51 920 008 680

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Laboratorio acreditado por las máximas exigencias, precisión y confidencialidad. 

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