
Retail industry

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Cosmetics and personal care

In recent years, the cosmetics industry, driven by new consumer demands, technological advances and the growing emphasis on personal and environmental care, have led companies to demand greater and better conditions for the development of skin analysis. its products, in this sense CETOX guarantees its clients reliable and highly precise results, thanks to the high quality standards applied in the test development processes, the staff of scientific professionals

Accessible analytics

  • microbiologic analysis
  • physicochemical analysis
  • metal analysis

Toy industry

At CETOX we are experts in the application and monitoring of international principles, protocols and standards for the toy and children's products sector, thanks to our extensive experience, precision of results, which provide the guarantee to our clients that we comply with the technical and legal requirements that products require to be exported, imported and marketed anywhere in the world.

Accessible analytics

  • Physicochemical analysis
  • Metal analysis (migration)

Toy industry

At CETOX we are committed to our clients in providing 100% reliable analysis, which is why we have exhaustive quality controls and complete monitoring of compliance with the law, we offer tests, analysis, studies, technical consultancy and advice for manufacturing, import, distribution and marketing of stationery supplies. Within our analyzes we offer quantification of metals, toxicity, among others.

Accessible analytics

  • Quantification of metals such as Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Barium, Antimony, Mercury and Selenium,
  • Physicochemical analysis
  • Metal analysis (migration)
Av. Angamos Este 2670,
Surquillo 15038
+ 51 920 008 680

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Laboratorio acreditado por las máximas exigencias, precisión y confidencialidad. 

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